Folder/file secure deletion

The secure deletion tools that I recommended previously are effective when wiping whole drives or partitions but cannot be used against individual folders or files.
One tool that can tackle this is "secure-delete". I use it to wipe files in my Ubuntu Trash.

commandrine@bridge:~$ sudo srm -rllv .local/share/Trash/files
Using /dev/urandom for random input.
Wipe mode is insecure (one pass [random])
Wiping .local/share/Trash/files DIRECTORY (going recursive now)
Wiping Web hack.txt * Removed file Web hack.txt ... Done
Removed directory .local/share/Trash/files ... Done

Running "sudo srm -rllv *" from /home/commandrine/.local/share/Trash/files path works too.
Example deleting an individual file.

commandrine@bridge:~$ srm -rllv Desktop/clamtk_4.14-1_all.deb
Using /dev/urandom for random input.
Wipe mode is insecure (one pass [random])
Wiping Desktop/clamtk_4.14-1_all.deb * Removed file Desktop/clamtk_4.14-1_all.deb ... Done


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