Why "Ubuntu"?

I was asked recently why I use "Ubuntu" instead of "Windows". 

I was casually playing around with "Ubuntu" since version 7.10 but what pushed me to seriously switch full-time was the anger over being forced to fork out money in a short span of time to upgrade to "Snow Leopard" and "Windows 7".

Version 8.04 LTS was so reliable for 3 years and there was no turning back.

There's also a trove of tools that are native to Linux that I use personally and for work. There's all sorts of "commandlinefu" that you can perform from the "Terminal".  

And yes... "Ubuntu" is free.


Latest "extension"

 Been awhile since I've updated on what useful privacy "extensions" that I use in "Firefox". "HTTPS Everywhere" and "uBlock Origin" I've used for years but "Adnauseam" is a new one.

Batch DNSSEC check

 Wrote a simple Shell script that can check if a list of URLs have DNSSEC enabled.


## Set variables ##
_now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")

## Curl Sidn Labs API ##
while IFS= read -r line; do
    curl http://portfolio.sidnlabs.nl/check/$line >> "dnsseccheck_$_now.txt"
done < dnstargets.txt
cat "dnsseccheck_$_now.txt"

##Please edit "dnstargets.txt" in current folder.
##Results will be stored in current folder.
##Written by commandrine.
##Last updated on 6 Apr 2021.


Since I was on a roll with Copilot, I decided to automate DNSSEC auditing with the following Python script. Not the most creative tool name....