"DNS over HTTPS"

I've always liked "Firefox" but been using "Chrome" and "Brave" more in recent times. I may just go back to "Firefox" with their latest feature "DNS over HTTPS".
You can enable it from "Network Settings".

DNSSEC check

Was recently triggered to research how to verify if a domain has DNSSEC enabled.
The manual way would be to run a "dig" command to query the domain you want to check but the DNS server you query has to support DNSSEC.
Plan B was using an API provided by SIDN Labs. You can leverage their API by running a "curl" command as seen below. Any status other than "secure" is bad.
This method is tedious if you want to check multiple domains. Alternatively, you can populate a CSV file with the domains you want to check and upload them to SIDN Labs using this form. I replicated the form below.

DNSSEC check form

Upload the CSV containing the domains you want to test using SIDN Lab's API.

Log review

Wrote a simple script to aid with log review using keywords. You can use the below by substituting the keywords as well as log source.

grep "Authentication fail" /mnt/c/monthly/app.log > /mnt/c/monthly/app-fail.txt
grep "Authentication fail" /mnt/c/monthly/os.log > /mnt/c/monthly/os-fail.txt


Since I was on a roll with Copilot, I decided to automate DNSSEC auditing with the following Python script. Not the most creative tool name....