
Realised that "wipefox" was too limited as it only wiped files related to Firefox usage. I wrote a new script that I named "ubuntuprivacy" to include commands to clear other traces left behind as a result of activities performed on your system.
"ubuntuprivacy" currently wipes your Firefox history and cache, Ubuntu Trash and "Recent Documents" history.

echo “Proceeding to clean your system to ensure your privacy.”
echo “Wiping Firefox history and cache.”
sudo srm -rllv .mozilla/firefox/*.default/*.sqlite
sudo srm -rllv .mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache/*
sudo srm -rllv .mozilla/firefox/*.default/OfflineCache/*
echo “Wiping Ubuntu Trash.”
sudo srm -rllv .local/share/Trash/files
echo “Wiping Recent Documents history.”
sudo srm -rllv .recently-used.xbel

#"ubuntuprivacy" written by commandrine.
#Please send comments and queries to commandrine[at]gmail[dot]com.
#Version 1.0 dated 12th Sept 2009.
#Pre-requisite is having "secure-delete" installed. Install it using "sudo apt-get install secure-delete".

Lazy to create the script. Download it here. More items to be tackled by this script in the near future.

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